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Ah, so killing these five western reporters will actually earn me medals and guarantee me a political career, mmmm. |
So the clock is ticking and two and a half months and a lot of bucks passed and still made. The various Australian authorities playing musical chairs with the Balibo verdict hoping it is not them individually that is left standing and either having to tell hostile Jakarta they want Yosfiah and one other extradited, or the rest of the world they have decided to let Indonesia get away with state murder. Of course there are three governments all involved with embarrassingly murdered citizens, there also is Britain and mini-Britain (New Zealand) who along with Australia have been at pains not to admit to or deal with this diplomatic time-bomb for years. While New Zealand and Australia are still quietly, yawn, evaluating their positions and options, events in good old Blighty have taken a turn for the better and also worst. Step up our next hero, British Liberal Democrat MP Don Foster, who raised the matter in the House of Commons with a demand for Britain to have Interpol place an arrest warrant against Yosfiah to force New Tory (or was it New Labour, hard to tell the difference these days) Foreign Office Minister Meg Munn to respond; clearly something she would rather not do!
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Muffler: Will a freebie to Bali fix things? A good deal on pensions maybe? OK, front row seats at the next Labour conference in Jakarta? |
Megg Mutt (editor’s note: in the political “pedigree” sense of course) Mundane and David Whitewashing Milibung showing their true colours when it was pointed out the FCO (Foreign Covert Operations) actually did have a published (on their own website) mandate (legal duty) both to protect British citizens from serious crimes overseas and to intervene with foreign governments committing human rights abuse and / or serious miscarriages of justice. It was actually one Mark Austin, public enemy number one of the Balinese mafia police (you may recall they placed Mark’s name on Interpol’s watch list as a suspected terrorist) in order to get his home address then in Thailand to give to old chestnut and suspected transvestite Jack Daniels (Bali Discovery Whores) to try and murder him, who pointed this out to Muffler and the Dulux Kid when the FCO said they would rather not ask the Balinese police to stop acting like the murderous monkeys they are. How did Muffler and Persil react to this? Why, they removed the statement from the FCO web site of course! Unfortunately for New Blairite Labour / Tories Munn and Daz, regular Labour MP Dr Tony Wright, Chairman of the Public Administration Select Committee, and Liberal Democratic Shadow Foreign Secretary Michael Moore MP made a complaint against the FCO on Mark Austin’s behalf with the UK’s Parliamentary Ombudsman no less; hmmm, no division of ranks in Labour there then! Unfortunate also for Munn and Miliband was the fact they left the FCO’s mandate on the recruitment pages of their web site thus quoted to and until, that is, the Parliamentary Ombudsman accepted this complaint against them and then it miraculously disappeared too, of course.
Anyway, Megg Munn having been confronted in the House of Commoners by those nasty liberals who want Britain to uphold the rule of law both at home and internationally, responded as only a Tory could; she agreed to meet with the families of the murdered Britons in private, of course, to discuss this terrible incident, 30 years of British cover-ups on! Recently declassified British government records adding hopefully to the list of things Megg has to discuss with the families of Indonesian state murdered British citizens Brian Peters and Malcolm Rennie, such as the fact Britain knew Indonesia planned to invade East Timor covertly a whole month before (oops) and that they told the Australian Government not to bother raising the issue of the murders at the time with Jakarta as it would be a waste of time; thus showing they knew it was murder all along and also they basically condoned the act, as in Peters and Rennie were both expendable pawns in the sick duplicitous British foreign policy game. Of course that was in the past and Britain funding Indonesian police directly (hmmm) with “soft loans”, BP and others being allowed to break sanctions to Burma and elsewhere by using Virgin Island subsidiaries, plus Tony Blair cancelling the UK’s Serious Crime Squad’s nearly completed investigation into corruption by BAE in Saudi Arabia, after the Arabian royal family told him to do it because they did not want to be exposed for what they are; these are all minor blips in an otherwise brilliant white current British foreign policy.
Do we think Megg is going to see the dead men’s families’ side of things; that justice has to be done, that Britain needs to file an arrest order with Interpol against the Indonesian TNI’s most decorated man and political leader? We bet no! We can almost hear the wobble from Mutt Munn now; Indonesia is a valuable ally of and trading partner with Britain; Indonesia is a fledgling democracy which needs our help and support (tear in eye); that was Old Indonesia, this is New Indonesia (a bit like New Labour of course); rocking their political boat right now could cause an Islamic revolution; many British jobs rely on a continued close relationship with Indonesia; Indonesia is a proud country and the shame of this has hurt them deeply already; President SBY has asked me to personally pass on his best wishes and official re-election T-shirts for you to wear on your way out to the press conference.
Of course the realities are slightly different than what Muffler is likely to tell them in an attempt to sweep yet another unfortunate (in the public domain) incident under the FCO carpet. The fact that Indonesia, if it had an Islamic revolution would do so because the people felt they had no other option, because the British, Americans and Australians saw to it in the 1960’s that no centre or left and no regional political parties were allowed. That Indonesia used to be a doting proxy colony of the English speaking axis of evil but that is changing; Russian military orders (causing Australia to spend yet more money on “defense”), Russian oil company contracts, massive Chinese civil engineering contracts, even arms deals with Israel, a country Indonesia say they do not recognize and want to see obliterated. Also too a statement that Indonesia wishes to share in Iran’s nuclear program! The thing is, the Indonesian rat is still a nasty rat but it has turned. Britain’s considerable corporate interests in the archipelago are at risk from competition! Gone is the red under the bed phobia which sparked the USA and allies into making the TNI their puppets and with it making Indonesia a pseudo colony. Gone are the sacrosanct corrupt deals solely benefiting major English speaking western corporations; the corruption is still very much there but now Indonesia has learned it can deal with the devils (China, Israel, Russia, France, whoever), so Britain is desperate for brownie points with murderous Indonesia; pulling up / upsetting Jakarta over Balibo would have the likely same effect as happened when they tried to pull Moscow up over Alexander Litvinenko.
The problem for Britain and its axis of English speaking evil partners can be best described by the old adage “You made your bed now lie in it”. In common with their nasty foreign policy elsewhere in the world while feigning decency, in 1965 Britain et all provided the Indonesian military with weapons, names of anyone center or left (Britain had massive intelligence from its time policing the area after WW2 and from Malaysia / Australia) and the green light (logistical support) for US favoured Suharto to remove democratically elected Sukarno from power in order to “save” Indonesia from communism. As with the US proxy war in former Soviet controlled Afghanistan, the western allies created a very nasty monster called present day Indonesia, without regional and / or central and left political parties; all that was and are allowed being right wing military (TNI) stooge parties like Golkar (Suharto et all), PDI (Megawati et all) and PD (Yudhoyono), plus Islamic parties such as the PPP (Muhammad Yunus Yosfiah), so now you know. Incidentally, Indonesia is not just undemocratic by fact it forbids certain political parties, it is also not a democracy because ultimately the TNI, who have their own constitution as protectors in all matters of the Republic, state the “government” is solely a civilian administration. So this monster created by paranoid and regional influence / massive natural reserves greedy western powers offers virtually no hope to its unfortunate citizens to this day. Therefore, should the house of cards collapse as it did in Iran for example, Indonesians have little else direction / option but to turn to fundamental Islamic leaders, as these are tolerated / exist already; vis a vis the fact Jemaah Islamiah has still not been banned by Jakarta.
In point of fact, the British Government is so keen to brown nose it with the murderous military and police of Indonesia, to get favours for favours, that it quietly provides what are called “soft loans” directly to these mafia in uniform, under the “War on (by) Terror” banner (editor’s note: Britain, Australia and the USA qualify under International law as terrorist states over their invasion of Iraq). Of course these de facto donations direct to the uniforms would otherwise be illegal! Never mind the fact the only actual anti-terrorist unit of the Indonesian police is Special Detachment 88 (Detasemen Khusus 88), or Delta 88, who do nothing expect arrest or sometimes bungle arrests when given the exact location of the West’s most wanted, courtesy of attendant AFP (Australian Federal Police) who work with and rely heavily upon the American CIA and their permanently parked surveillance satellite over Indonesia (BS Passim). White washed British Government payments to the Indonesian “Brimob” falsely described anti-terror (actually anti-independence) police, with their thousands of thug police officers, murdering people advocating separation from Jakarta as well as totally innocent civilians across the archipelago, hardly shows a British foreign policy able to take issue with Indonesia over a few “unfortunate” incidents involving their own citizens.
Truth is Britain is in such a piff poor economic state right now with billions of tax payer pounds poured into failed bank Northern Rock that political whores like Munn, Miliband, Blair and Brown are very nervous about any prospect of its major corporations BP, Shell, Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, etc. being told their ever so slightly dodgily negotiated contracts are henceforth terminated for insulting the state murderers of Indonesia by calling them exactly what they are. Let us not forget the Arabian BAE Blair corruption fiasco and British citizens who “enjoyed” human rights abuse there, getting only lip service at home; Saudi Arabia very much the same “special friend” as Indonesia. The British Government right now very, very sensitive to the fact that city investors in Northern Rock shares, due to get next to nothing out of the bank’s nationialisation include pensions companies (with Labour’s private pensions “program”, to get the UK off the hook regarding already broken state pensions) and with so much pensions investment in BP, et all. Of course, if Britain and its foreign agenda friends had not created the Javanese Frankenstein in the beginning, their corporations likely still would be benefitting, albeit fairly from this region today but without the monster.
So then, Muffler Megg Munn, the mutt of the still somehow new (after 10 years) Labour party, is hardly “able” to do anything than her best to pacify the Balibo relatives. So let us hope the new Labour party of Australia might now show some class and application of the law for its own citizens regarding Indonesia. Or perhaps hitherto very quiet on this subject the New Zealand Government might like to see justice, not lip service and spin done. After all, the hate state of Indonesia is going from strength to strength and one day that hate, complete with a share of Iran’s nuclear program, may well explode into an Islamic state. Will never happen? Funny, that is what they said just six months before the US lackey Shah of Iran got his.
If you are Australian or New Zealander and have any humanity and decency, please lobby your respective governments to bring war crimes charges against Mohammad Yunus Yosfiah. If you are British, there is no point in lobbying either a Tory or New Tory (AKA Labour) government into acting; they absolutely will not. The only way Britain will change and for the better is for their Liberal Democrat party to be elected at the next general election, as this is the only large enough party in Britain (or perhaps England) who accepts British Foreign Policy is bent and will one day come back to haunt or worse the UK. If Megg Munn does not agree to instruct Interpol to issue an arrest warrant against Yosfiah, we say she is a mutt in every sense and anyone that votes for her party knowing of her failings has the same pedigree. Australia ditched goose step Howard and friends, if Munn and company do not deliver on Balibo, it is time for Brits to do the same to their little Nazis.
Until Balibo is given the justice it deserves, the best way to show Indonesia and in particular Yunus Yosfiah you do not personally support in anyway state murderers, is to boycott Indonesia (including Bali), boycott anything Indonesian at home and even boycott the corporations that ingratiate these Javanese street dogs. Please, tell the anti-westerner hate state of Indonesia and those that support them for a buck to go shove it where the sun does not shine, thank you.
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