Sunday, 3 May 2009

Bali Bombers helped by police and military – official?

Bali Bombers helped by police and military – official?
By Bali BS News
Oct 13, 2005, 00:54

It comes as no surprise to us given Bali police chief Made Pastika’s possible role in the cover up or even murder of two western teachers in August 2002 at the possible hands of Indonesia’s Special Forces. But to many former Indonesian president Abdurrahman Wahid’s comments in an interview to the Australian Special Broadcasting Service that “his nation's police or military officers may have been involved in one of the 2002 Bali bomb blasts” and that “he fears there are links between Indonesian authorities and terrorist groups”, adding “terrorists were responsible for the first blast of the 2002 bombings, the second may have been organized by Indonesian authorities” will come as a disgusting shock to many westerners. But could there have been any doubt in the first place because the Indonesian Government still to this day refuses to outlaw the terrorist group Jemaah Islamiah

We are going to make this our shortest article to date ever, because we believe people’s own thoughts and revulsion will be more poignant then anything we can write. All we suggest is that potential visitors to and investors in Bali and Indonesia as a whole show their disgust by boycotting the island and archipelago until the much needed culture change clearly inherent in the Indonesian government and their mafia style corrupt police force and judiciary is removed once and for all, and that those guilty of crimes against humanity are in jail; and yes, we mean police officers et al. If you go to or invest in Bali in the mean time, you should hang your head in shame.

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